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Leadership and Excellence 2023 Awardees

The following students are receiving a variety of awards and honors this spring, including the Leadership and Excellence Awards, Senior Marshals, Named Awards and Class Day Awards.

Leadership and Excellence Awards

Community Building

Indelible Mark

Principled Action

Inclusion and Advocacy

Health and Wellness

Innovation and Enhancement

Columbia Spirit

Civic Responsibility

Named Awards

Columbia College

Olivia Choi CC’23: Robert Shellow Gerdy Prize
Karina Feng CC’23: Andrew C. Heinrich Prize
Noelle Foster CC’23: Columbia College Scholar Athlete Award
Katy Haden CC’23: Leonard A. Pullman Memorial Prize
Lilian Kennedy CC’23: Columbia College Campbell Award
Al Qaim Lalani CC’23: Charles H. Bjorkwall Prize
Nicolas Lama CC’24: James Christopher Caraley Memorial Prize
Euni Elisabeth Lee CC’23: Richard H. Fox Memorial Prize
Jae Joon Lee CC’23: Charles M. Rolker Prize
Benjamine Mo CC’23: Edward S. Brainard Memorial Prize
Aaron Ouyang CC’23: Alumni Association Achievement Award
Sumya Rashid CC’23: Alumni Prize
Alex Seo CC’25: Van Am Prize
Bryan Uceda-Alvarez CC’23: Robert Lincoln Carey Memorial Prize
Kenny Zhu CC’25: Van Am Prize

Columbia Engineering

Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs (CORE): Zvi Galil Award for Improvement in Engineering Student Life
Elisa Luo SEAS’23: School of Engineering and Applied Science Scholar Athlete Award
Alexander Moreno SEAS’23: Campbell Award
Katherine O'Reilly SEAS’23: School of Engineering and Applied Science Student Activities Award
Athena Pagon SEAS’23: Thomas "Pop" Harrington Medal
Elías Tzoc-Pacheco SEAS’23: George Vincent Wendell Memorial Award
Engineers Without Borders: Yuba County: Robert D. Lilley Award for Socially Responsible Engineering