Over 1,800 students belong to one of the 28 recognized Columbia fraternities or sororities. Our population belongs to the four primary undergraduate colleges at Columbia University: Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, General Studies and Barnard College.
In addition to their academic excellence and hours of community service, our chapters subscribe to the following statement of shared values:
The fraternity and sorority community at Columbia University strives to foster a holistic collegiate experience that will strengthen a commitment to life-long membership and our alma mater. We believe that through our dedication and promotion of social consciousness we greatly contribute to the creation of a vibrant cultural community that emphasizes diversity, inclusiveness and mutual respect. We are values based organizations and, through our actions, we embody these ideals and inspire others.
Leadership. Scholarship. Empowerment.
You are invited to get to know our community better by learning more about our chapters, how to join and our policies.