Charity Drive Request | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Charity Drive Request

Undergraduate councils and recognized Student Groups on the Morningside Campus (ABC, CI, Club Sports, IGC, MGC, and SGB) may host charity drives in several designated lobbies upon advisor approval.  


Charity Drives May Only Be Permitted in the Following Lobbies:

  1. East Campus
  2. Wien
  3. Furnald
  4. John Jay
  5. Broadway
  6. Schapiro

Each box should also include a sign/label including (DO NOT tape signs to painted walls): Student organization name & group contact email

Boxes for collections are not overseen or intended to be watched by Public Safety and Security desk staff. 

A charity drive can run for a maximum of one week.


Submit the following form at least one week (five business days) before the first requested day of the charity drive.

Once approved, Residential Life Staff will send an approval email to the group adviser and student. 


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Student Engagement


515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Fax: 212-854-6972

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.