Create a New Student Group

Applying for Recognition

Applying to become a Recognized Student Group is an exciting step! Groups that serve the undergraduate population and hope to be advised by Undergraduate Student Life (USL) can apply to be recognized by the following student-led Governing Boards:

Groups that wish to be newly recognized may apply each Spring semester via the USL New Group Recognition webform. Groups that meet USL and University requirements for recognition will be moved forward for consideration by the appropriate Governing Board. Governing Boards advised by USL will determine which groups they want to recognize. Pending final USL approval, these groups will be able to commence official operations in the following Fall semester.

Please direct any questions related to New Group Recognition to

2025 New Group Recognition Timeline

Newly-recognized groups will be able to commence official operations in Fall 2025.

  • Fall 2024: Prospective groups should reach out to,, and with any questions about requirements.
  • Monday, February 3rd: New Group Recognition Application opens.
  • Sunday, March 9th: New Group Recognition Application closes.
  • Friday, March 28th: Groups that do not meet criteria to move forward for Governing Board consideration are notified.
  • Monday, March 31st - Sunday, April 13th: Governing Boards meet with select groups for interviews/presentations.
  • Wednesday, April 16th: Final decisions are shared with remaining groups.
  • Summer 2025: Newly-recognized groups will work with Undergraduate Student Life to finalize the group's name, e-mail alias(es), etc.
  • September 2025: Newly-recognized groups will gain official recognition status, a LionLink account for purchase requests, an Event Management System (EMS) account for space reservations, and all other privileges reserved for recognized groups (pending completion of Club Refuel requirements).

Requirements of Recognition for new groups include:

  1. Recommendation for recognition by an Undergraduate Student Life-advised Governing Board (ABC, SGB, IGC), as well as meeting all of that Governing Board’s standard requirements for New Group Recognition.

  2. A mission statement for the group which is distinct from any current recognized student group, and which does not overlap with existing recognized student groups. 

  3. A Student Group Constitution submitted to, and ratified by, the Governing Board and USL in compliance with all University and USL policies.

  4. An executive board consisting of at least ¾ undergraduate students (at CC, SEAS, BC, or GS), and a group makeup and mission statement that primarily serves the undergraduate population of Columbia.

If your group does not meet these requirements, you may be better suited for another governing board. For groups primarily/exclusively made up of Barnard students, please apply to GBB. If your group serves the graduate community or both the undergraduate and graduate communities, please apply to IGB. **Please note: IGB is not opening an NGR process during Spring 2025. Please check their website for more information.** For groups that serve communities in need in the Morningside Heights, Harlem, and Washington Heights communities, please apply to Community Impact.

More Information

Recognition - RSG Benefits and Maintaining Good Standing


Recognition entitles your group to:

  1. Use of “Columbia”, etc. in your student group's name, and use of approved Columbia imagery on merchandise purchased for your group;

  2. The ability to book space on campus and secure funding through allocation, Travel Funds, and other Funding Opportunities provided to recognized student groups;

  3. Nonprofit (501c3) tax exempt status for purchases;

  4. An @columbia email alias (Google Group) for your group;

  5. Assignment to a USL Adviser who will support your group through all University processes and policies.



Requirements to maintain Recognition for existing RSGs include:

  1. Successful completion of Club ReFuel at least once per year (i.e. every other semester).

  2. Registering your student group at the start of each Fall semester via the Student Organization Survey (SOS), regardless of what semester Club ReFuel is completed. 

  3. Maintaining at least 2 active board member UNI emails on your group’s designated email alias 

    1. UNI emails must be added/changed by the RSG’s e-board members via Grouper when boards transition, and are not the responsibility of the group’s adviser or administration. Groups will be responsible for any missed communication if they fail to update their @columbia email’s board.

  4. Compliance with Columbia’s policies including (but not limited to) policies around spending, events, and travel.

  5. Maintained Recognition in good standing with your governing board (ABC, SGB, IGC).

Derecognition And Policies for Unrecognized Groups

After two (2) consecutive semesters of noncompliance with the requirements of recognition, groups will be automatically derecognized by USL. Groups may also be derecognized through the Student Group Adjudication Board (SGAB) process.

Groups who are flagged for derecognition due to non-completion of Club ReFuel will receive an email notifying them of the requirements to return to good standing. Any groups who fail to complete the requirements by the following semester will be derecognized. Derecognition emails will come from USL with governing board support 2 weeks after Club ReFuel closes. Groups may also be flagged for probation or derecognition by their governing board in accordance with their constitution.

If a group is derecognized (or not recognized, including groups seeking recognition) by Columbia, they may not:

  1. Utilize the Columbia name, including (but not limited to) in advertising, group name, email/gmail inboxes, and merchandise; this includes abbreviations such as “CU,” “CC,” “SEAS,” “Barnumbia,” etc.

  2. Book space on Columbia’s campus, nor have another group book space on their behalf, unless co-hosting an event with equal participation from both groups

  3. Participate in Activities Day

  4. [For derecognized groups] Spend any funding collected while as a part of the group via fundraisers, ticket sales, etc. Any revenue remaining in the group’s account at the time of derecognition will be held onto for 2 semesters

Applying for Re-Recognition

A group previously recognized by Columbia that has been derecognized must re-apply for recognition through our website; then, they must go through their Governing Board’s individual re-recognition processes, which may differ from NGR processes. Please contact your Governing Board for more information.


Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.