Award Recognition
Senior Marshal
Angel Mancera is an international student from Venezuela studying Computer Science and minoring in Economics. He has been an active member of the Engineering Student Council (ESC) during his whole Columbia experience where he has participated in drafting and passing a myriad of academic policies such as P/D/F, determining funding for governing boards and co-sponsorships for clubs, kickstarting event traditions like the SEAS Gala Cruise, and ensuring ESC has proper communication channels with other Student Councils through collaboratives and working groups to discuss interschool issues. He also co-founded the Venezuelan Students Association (VENSA), an organization that serves to connect all Venezuelan students on campus by recurrently having fun bonding events and organizing conferences like “Futuro Venezuela” to bring together and organize our diaspora in the United States towards the common goal of our country’s betterment and learning as much as possible about the current situation and our way out.
I would like to thank my family for always supporting me in every undertaking and moving "el cielo y la tierra" to provide me with the opportunities and nurturing that made me who I am today. Also, I want to thank my friends at Columbia who became my family abroad and have always encouraged me to be my best self. Compatriotas fieles, mi fuerza es nuestra unión.