Kenny Zhu CC’25 | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

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Kenny Zhu CC’25

Kenny Zhu CC’25

Award Recognition

Van Am Prize
Kenny is being recognized for his efforts at creating an inclusive and welcoming environment both on and off Columbia’s campus. As a co-founder of Money Talks, he teaches important concepts about personal finance to local high schoolers. Tackling topics ranging from budgeting to investing to financial crises, each lesson is designed to be as engaging and exciting as possible. Additionally, he uses his position as an RA in Furnald and as the President of Columbia Lion Dance to foster a collaborative and supportive community. In these two roles, he works with the university to fund programming that builds up the community and introduces the broader Columbia campus to cultural events such as the Lunar New Year.
I want to thank Shaurir Ramanujan. As the co-founder of Money Talks, none of our success and growth would have been possible without him. I would also like to thank Grace Song and the rest of Furnald 8 as well as the Columbia Lion Dance Team.