Email, Mailing Lists & Websites | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Email, Mailing Lists & Websites

Email, Mailing Lists, and Web Sites

For general questions you can contact your adviser or the CUIT Service Desk by phone at 4-1919 or by email at

Requesting a New Student Organization Email Alias

Send an email to CUIT and copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser. In the body of the email, please include the name(s) and UNI(s) of the Columbia student(s) who will be considered the owner(s) and some suggestions regarding desired aliases (i.e. A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. Once approved, the owner(s) will be emailed the official email alias and detailed instructions on how to operate the account.

Updating Student Organization Email Alias Permissions

The current owner of the email account can send an email from the current student group email to CUIT, making sure to copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser. The email should state that you want to change the ownership permissions to the account and include the new owner(s) name(s) and UNI(s). A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. Once your adviser approves the changes, CUIT will email the new owner(s) and copy the old owner with the official alias and detailed instructions on how to operate the email account.

If the owner of the email account no longer is affiliated with the University or the organization, please send an email to CUIT. Please make sure to copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser and that your email includes the email alias to be reset, the email alias, and the new owner(s) that you wish to take ownership of the account. A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. Once your adviser approves the changes, CUIT will email the new owner(s) with the official alias and detailed instructions on how to operate the email account.

Requesting a New Student Organization Mailing List (Listserv)

Your group should first visit the CUIT Web site on mailing lists and assess what type of list is best for your organization. Most student clubs at Columbia utilize a Simple Mailing List. Next you should send an email to CUIT and copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser. In the body of the email, please include the name(s) and UNI(s) of the Columbia student who will be considered the owner(s), the type of mailing list you are requesting, and a few possible suggestions of aliases you might like for the mailing list (i.e. If you have a general student organization email alias, please submit a few possibilities that will not be confused with the general email. A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. If approval is granted, CUIT will email the owner with the official mailing list alias and detailed instructions on how to operate the mailing list account.

Updating a Student Organization Mailing List (listserv) Permissions

The owner(s) of the mailing list can use Grouper to make any necessary changes to the account.

If the owner of the account is no longer is affiliated with the University or the organization, please send an email to CUIT, making sure to copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser. Make sure that your email includes the email alias to be reset, and the new owner(s) of the account. A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. Once your adviser approves the changes, CUIT will email the new owner(s) with the official mailing list alias and detailed instructions on how to operate the account.

Student Organization Web pages

Recognized student organizations are able to create a web page via CUIT. After talking with your Undergraduate Student Life advisor, vist CUIT's web site to review what is required for establishing a web site for your student group.   

Updating or Changing Student Organization Web page Permissions

The current owner of the webpage account can send an email from the Columbia University email account to CUIT, making sure to copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser. The email should state that you want to change the ownership permissions to the account, the web address, and include the new owner(s) name(s) and UNI(s). A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. Once your adviser approves the changes, CUIT will email the new owner(s) and copy the old owner with the official alias and detailed instructions on how to operate the email account.

If the owner of the email account no longer is affiliated with the University or the organization, please send an email to CUIT, making sure to copy your Undergraduate Student Life adviser. Make sure that your email includes the web site address to be reset, and the new owner(s) that you wish to take ownership of the account. A member of CUIT will respond seeking the approval from your adviser. Once your adviser approves the changes, CUIT will email the new owner(s) with the official alias and detailed instructions regarding how to operate the email account.

Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.

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