Award Nomination Forms | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Award Nomination Forms

Students pose with award certificates at the Leadership and Excellence Awards Ceremony

Honor students who have added value to the Columbia community through leadership, cocurricular accomplishments, and other noteworthy contributions! Use the forms below to nominate students for Leadership and Excellence Awards, Multicultural Affairs Graduation Cords, LGBTQIAwards, the Robert D. Lilley Award for Socially Responsible Engineering, and the Zvi Galil Award

> Leadership and Excellence Awards Nomination Form

Help us recognize Columbia College and Columbia Engineering students whose work has made a difference in your Columbia experience or the experiences of others.

> Multicultural Affairs Graduation Cord Nomination Form

Multicultural Affairs Graduation Cords are given to graduating Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, and General Studies seniors who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to inclusion, global diversity, social justice and multiculturalism.

> LGBTQIAward Nomination Form

Nominate Columbia University and Barnard College students, faculty, staff, and alumni for their contributions to the LGBTQ community.

> Robert D. Lilley Award for Socially Responsible Engineering

Nominate student groups that contribute Socially Responsible Engineering Activities and Projects.

> Zvi Galil Award

Honor engineering-focused student groups that most improved engineering student life during the academic year through either a commitment to the engineering profession or through integration of engineering with other sectors of the University.

Undergraduate Student Life


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2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.