Multicultural Affairs: Education and Training Sessions

Browse trainings and workshops offered by Multicultural Affairs and request a workshop for your organization, class or department. 

Introduction and Workshop Sessions (60-90 minutes)

Multicultural Affairs offers a variety of informative and interactive training sessions. Popularly-requested sessions include:

  • Microaggressions
  • Empathic Listening
  • Social Identity, Solidarity & Allyship

Other sessions related to social identity or student experiences include:

  • Intro to LGBTQ @ Columbia
  • International Student Support
  • Supporting First Generation and/or Low Income Students
  • What Is Class?
  • Disability Justice 101

Introduction and workshop sessions can be customized depending on the needs of the group or organization. Please submit a workshop request or email to start a conversation with a staff member and learn more.

In-Depth Training (two or more hours)

CU Safe Zone

CU Safe Zone is a multi-hour training session that provides foundational knowledge needed to support and act in solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities at Columbia University.  This campus wide program was designed to educate and visibly identify students, faculty, and staff who support the LGBTQ+ community, better understand LGBTQ+ communities and some of the issues these communities face, and are aware of the various LGBTQ resources available to folks on campus.

Unconscious Bias

Through presentation, discussion, and interactive dialogue exercises, this workshop offers an overview of unconscious bias, the neural processes that guide our snap judgments, and strategies for mitigating implicit assumptions. This workshop is appropriate for individuals and cohorts of all levels of experience.

Who are you serving?: Socially-Conscious Service

Geared towards students engaging in service learning work, this workshop introduces students to the complex ideas around their socio-political roles, the identities they hold, and the underlying power dynamics of community service. Participants will be challenged to reflect on individual and community approaches to service, grow understanding to better navigate dynamics, and recognize their social responsibility as leaders in this community work.

Conflict and Identity

How can identity play out in interpersonal and intergroup conflicts? Why do identity conflicts seem so difficult to address? Participants will learn basic conflict and social identity theories, apply them to current hot issues on college campuses, and begin to explore techniques to support communities through identity conflicts and resolution processes.

Facilitation Training

This multi-hour training (minimum of three hours) is designed for individuals or groups looking to acquire and hone skills to lead facilitation-based dialogue centered around topics related to identity, social and group dynamics, challenging community issues, and more. Through a variety of interactive exercises, participants will learn about the purpose and process of building safer spaces, acquire skills to plan and execute an effective workshop, and engage in practice facilitation scenarios. This training is suited best for cohorts or individuals who have experienced facilitation-based learning, have done self-work around identity, dynamic related to power and positionality, and are looking to create dialogue spaces for others in their community.

Multicultural Affairs


Audre Lorde Community Space
505 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Newsletter Sign-Up

Call: 212-854-0720

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.