Searching for Internships or Research Assistantships


Offices for Help at Columbia University

  1. Center for Career Education
  2. Berick Center for Student Advising
  3. Pre-professional Office
  4. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)


  1. The Idealist: “Action Without Borders” Nonprofit Internships, paid or unpaid, and volunteer opportunities.

  2. Backdoor Jobs: Internships, extraordinary experiences, seasonal jobs, volunteer vacations, & work abroad

  3. Academic Careers Online: “The ultimate global job site of career opportunities in education and academia!” Academic Careers Online includes faculty, research, post doc, adjunct, administrative, and senior management positions at (community) colleges, universities, and research institutes around the world

  4. William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students

  5. Online Search Strategies: “Making the Internet Work for You” Listing of internship websites

  6. Novo Resume: How to Get an Internship (Step-by-Step Guide)

  7. TAOnline: Transition Assistance Online

  8. Inroads: The INROADS program develops and places talented minority youth in business and industry and prepare them for corporate and community leadership. TWC has a long history of providing excellent internship opportunities in DC, combined with a seminar program.

  9. Institute for Experiential Learning: Internships in Washington, D.C.; “IEL recruits students from around the world, helping to broaden the experiences of all of our students. The IEL program provides an excellent opportunity for students to gain solid grounding and experience in the global environment that will shape our lives.”

  10. “The Internship Search Engine” Useful features including search by location and resume posting

  11. Internweb: “The Online Source for Internships”

  12. MonsterTrak: “Successfully connecting employers with college students, recent grads and career centers!” Select "Students and Alumni." Then select Columbia from the list of schools. Look for "Jobs and Internships" and then select "summer" and your category and geographic location of interest.

  13. Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO): "Corporate summer internships for undergraduate students of color" in accounting, corporate law, investment banking, asset management, and management consulting

  14. Seasonal Employment: “Serving seasonal employers and job hunters!”

  15. An eclectic mix of summer jobs on cruise ships, at summer camps, in sales, and more.


  1. Rising Star Internships: A handful of internships in Entertainment, Film, Media, Music, New Media, Performing Arts, Screenwriting, Television & Theater.

  2. NCAA Scholarships and Internships: scholarships and internships sponsored by the NCAA

  3. New York Fine Arts: internships in the arts (broadly defined) in the tri-state area


  1. The ECO has over 650 paid environmental internships available this year!

  2. Coolworks: “Jobs in Great Places!” An excellent site for links to jobs in resorts, national parks, and ski resorts.


  1. The Washington Center for Internships & Academic Seminars: various government internships

  2. The Idealist: “Action Without Borders” Nonprofit Internships, paid or unpaid, and volunteer opportunities.

  3. Volunteer Match: “Get Out, Do Good!” A non-profit organization that will conduct volunteer matching with non-profit organizations

  4. The National Assembly of Health & Human Service Organizations: This database lists over 2,000 paid and unpaid internships in more than 500 nonprofit human service organizations nationwide.

  5. National Organization for Women: Internships with the National Organization for Women


  1. A Guide to Summer Research Opportunities For Undergraduate Students In Science And Engineering: This site hosted by Yale University with a compilation of summer research opportunities in: Astronomical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences.

  2. Program for Woman in Science and Engineering (PWSE): Each summer, PWSE offers internships in Iowa State's science and engineering departments, giving young women from all over the country an opportunity to explore their interests in science and engineering, and earn a sizable stipend.

  3. A source for graduate and undergraduate science and engineering internships


  1. Council on International Educational Exchange: “A World of Opportunity!” Study abroad and work abroad with CIEE, the Council on International Educational Exchange. CIEE provides quality programs and services for individuals, employers, communities and educational institutions.

  2. UCI International Opportunities Program: “Best Bets for Summer Abroad!” Contains links to related web sites, as well as listings of some of the more well-known internship programs that exist.

Columbia Undergraduate Scholars Program


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: (212) 854-6378

Fax: (212) 854-2562

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.