Howard University Domestic Exchange Program | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Howard University Domestic Exchange Program

*Howard University is currently not accepting applications for the Exchange Program. 

Columbia University is pleased to offer undergraduate students in  Columbia College and Columbia Engineering the opportunity to participate in a domestic exchange program with a prominent historically black college, Howard University (Washington, D.C.). The program offers students the opportunity to undergo a semester or year-long course of study, providing a truly enriching and intellectually stimulating experience.


Students must currently be enrolled in Columbia College (CC), Columbia Engineering (SEAS). Students must have a cumulative G. P. A. of at least 2.8 and must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.

Columbia College: Students must have at least junior class standing and have made good progress toward Columbia College Core Requirements.

Columbia Engineering: Students must have at least sophomore class standing and have made good progress towards the Columbia Engineering First-year/Sophomore Requirements.

Program Costs

Howard University

During the exchange period, regular tuition rates and university fees (i.e. medical insurance, etc.) for Columbia College/Columbia Engineering will continue to apply for exchange participants. However, students will pay costs of campus housing and meal plans directly to Howard University. Estimated costs per semester are $6500.00. Students on financial aid will continue to receive aid during exchange semester and should consult with their financial aid counselor to confirm aid status. *(Please Note: Funds will not be exchanged between Columbia College/Columbia Engineering and Howard University.  Students on financial aid who expect to receive a refund are responsible for submitting payment directly to Howard University).

Transfer Credit

Courses taken at Howard University must be approved by the exchange program coordinator for general credit prior to enrollment. Students who wish to apply courses to the Core or major requirements must seek additional approval by the appropriate academic department. Courses that are equivalent to courses already taken at Columbia and professional courses (i.e. journalism, education, law, nursing, etc.) will not be approved.

Transfer credit may be earned for approved courses in which students receive a letter grade of C- or higher. However, these grades are not calculated into a student’s grade point average. Credit is recorded ONLY upon successful completion of approved courses and upon receipt of an official transcript sent directly to the Center for Student Advising.

Application Procedures and Deadlines

Interested students are encouraged to meet with their CSA Advising Dean to discuss their plans to study at Howard University.  Students on financial aid or with international status should also meet with the appropriate office to discuss how their status may be affected by participation in the exchange program.

Students are also required to meet with the Howard Domestic Exchange Coordinator, Dawn Hemphill, prior to submitting an application.

Required Application Materials

  1. Application   (available upon request)
  2. Recommendation (available upon request)
  3. Official Transcript
  4. Resume


Application Deadlines   


Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Howard University


March 15


 November 1



Applications may be submitted via US mail, email or in person:

Dawn Hemphill
Advising Dean
Howard Domestic Exchange Coordinator
403 Lerner Hall,  The Berick Center for Student Advising
2920 Broadway, MC: 1201
New York, NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-6897

Schedule an appointment here

James H. and Christine Turk Berick Center for Student Advising


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: (212) 854-6378

Fax: (212) 854-2458

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

An Advisor of the Day is available by phone or in person Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.