Major Declaration for Columbia College sophomores (Class of 2027) will be open from March 11-March 14, 2025.
- As part of the major declaration process, all students who matriculated prior to Fall 2024 will be required to indicate one major or concentration as your primary degree program. This will determine your departmental affiliation in the University directory and in Student Services Online (SSOL).
- All transfer students who entered in Fall 2024, are not permitted to declare concentrations and must select a major as their primary degree program. All College students who began their studies in Fall 2024 or beyond are required to complete a major.
- All students will also have the option to select a second degree program. Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2024 can select a major, concentration, special program. or minor. Students who matriculated in Fall 2024 can select a major, special program, or minor, but they cannot select a concentration.
- All students can also select a minor or special program for their third program of study
College sophomores will receive an email on March 11, alerting them that the online system is live, and inviting them to declare their major, concentration, minor, and/or special program by taking the following steps:
- Visit
- Enter your UNI and password.
- Select majors/concentrations from drop down menus.
- Select additional major, concentration, minor, or special program from drop down menus (optional).
- Click "Submit."
- Check your email for a confirmation message and information about advising in your new department!
Please note: All programs (except for Comparative Literature and Society, Medical Humanities, and the Special Program in Business Management, all of which require students to apply and be accepted) can be officially declared using the online declaration system March 11-March 14. Please note that those who have applied to the Special Program in Business Management should still declare a major or concentration via the link below. Students who have applied for Comparative Literature and Society or Medical Humanities may use the tool to add a optional programs if they wish.
If you want to change your major/concentration after the major declaration period, you can work with your advising dean to discuss your options and complete a change-of-major form.