Preprofessional Advising


Preprofessional Advising strives to:

  • Help Columbia College and Columbia Engineering students and alumni identify and refine their interests in pursuing careers in the professions (law, medicine, and other health professions such as dentistry, veterinary medicine, and public health); and
  • Provide guidance and support throughout the professional school application process.

Preprofessional Advising oversees the Premedical Advisory Committee and the creation of Premedical Committee Evaluations.

Prehealth, Prelaw, or Prebusiness Listservs

All students considering a future in law, the health professions, or business should sign up for the prehealth, prelaw, or prebusiness listserv.  The listservs provide updates on programs and events, as well as job and professional development opportunities.

To subscribe to a listserv, click one of the links below. Please ensure the email you list is your Columbia email (with UNI).

If you experience any difficulty signing up for either of the listservs, please contact





Preprofessional Advising


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-6378

Advising by Appointment

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm