
Year Prior to Application

Fall Semester

  • Meet with a class dean or a staff member in the Office of Pre-professional Advising to discuss plans to attend law school.

  • If not on the pre-law listserv, subscribe!

  • Attend the Law School Forum in New York City.

  • Attend the Barnard-Columbia Law Day held each fall. The Law Day features law schools from across the country.

  • Attend programs sponsored by the Office of Preprofessional Advising featuring admissions officers from various law schools.

  • Begin or continue reading books from the suggested reading list.

  • Bookmark and review the LSAC Web site.

  • Applicants should carefully think about their decision to go to law school and research other career options if they are unsure the legal profession is right for them. Remember that most first year law students have taken time off between college and law school.

  • Pursue internships and other opportunities to gain information and experience about careers in the legal profession.

  • Discuss legal careers with friends and acquaintances who are attorneys.

  • Conduct informational interviews with attorneys.

  • Begin researching law schools. Review law school web sites and order catalogs from law schools of interest. Look at each school’s profile in the Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools. A copy is available in the Office of Preprofessional Advising.

  • Begin to consider faculty members who can serve as referees.

  • Academic performance remains critical. Enroll in upper-level courses and seminar courses.

Preprofessional Advising


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-6378

Advising by Appointment

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm 

Prehealth Virtual Drop-In Advising Hours

Monday 12/9 is the last Day of Walk-in Hours for Fall 2024 

Mon - Thu, 12pm - 1pm 

Drop in Hours Zoom link*

*Drop in Hours are only for CC/SEAS undergraduate students