Secondary Applications | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Secondary Applications

After receiving the primary centralized application, most allopathic and osteopathic medical schools will send applicants a link to their secondary application. Many schools request this secondary application from all applicants.  Some schools however will do an initial screening of the centralized application and will only invite a segment of their applicant pool to complete the secondary application.

The secondary applications vary considerably from school to school. Almost all require additional information and supplementary essays, often with more specific guidelines than the centralized applications. These secondary applications also often require an additional fee. Medical school applicants should expect to spend a significant part of the summer months writing these secondary essays. An application is not complete without the secondary, and therefore it is recommended that these applications are completed promptly. .Students are encouraged to keep copies of all their secondaries, so they can review what they have submitted in advance of an interview.

The AADSAS application includes school specific questions that are completed before submission of the centralized application and therefore not all dental schools require additional secondary applications.  Currently a little over half of dental schools require a secondary application.


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