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Student Life

Alternative Spring Break: NYC Arts and Culture

The application deadline for Alternative Spring Break has been extended!

Rate Your Winter NSOP Orientation Leader!

Is your Orientation Leader fantastic? Not so great? Let the NSOP Committee and Staff know! Our goal is to make NSOP the best it can possibly be for new students, and each year is better than the one before because of feedback we get from students like you! Your opinion can be kept completely anonymous if you like; just fill in and submit this form! Thanks!

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Chapter Officer Report

What title does your chapter use for this position?
What title does your chapter use for this position?
What title does your chapter use for this position?
What title does your chapter use for this position?
What title does your chapter use for this position?
What title does your chapter use for this position?
What title does your chapter use for this position?
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Supplemental Funding Request Event Evaluation

Thank you for planning an event during Winter Break 2012-2013. ISPS hopes you found the funding useful to carry out your event and appreciates receiving feedback.

This evaluation must be submitted within 5 business days after the event in order to receive funds approved. After we receive the evaluation and total budget spent, the total spent will be transferred into the appropriate account (i.e.- if you request $200 for the event and spend only $178, $178 will be transferred into your area account).  

Contact Information
Event Information
Please summarize how the event ran, your impressions on the attendees' response (positive, less enthusiastic, etc.) and if you feel you would repeat the event or change anything for next time.
Budget Report
Please include the specific breakdown of budget spent for the following categories. You should be able to use your original detailed proposal: Program Related Expenses (room rental, equipment or AV, vendor services, movie rental, props, games, supplies, etc.); Food Expenses (meals for X number of people, refreshments for X number of people, Catering/Food Vendor expenses, etc.): Publicity/Advertisement Expenses (tickets, flyers, posters, etc.); Other expenses.
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Submission for Alumni, Brainard and Rolker Prizes

Congratulations on your nomination for a King's Crown Leadership Excellence Award!  A fellow Columbia College senior has nominated you for an award, which automatically qualifies you for one of three prestigious Columbia College Class Day Awards, which are given out annually:

Alumni Prize. Awarded by the Columbia College Alumni Association to the senior judged by classmates to be the most faithful and deserving.


CA Position Description

Here are the expectations we have of our CAs and the requirements of the CA position:

Personal Development

Community Adviser

Thank you for your interest in the Community Adviser position with Residential Programs!

If you have any questions about the CA position, please contact our Associate Director Keith Blankenship at who oversees the Community Adviser Committee. 


What is a Community Adviser?


Thanksgiving Day Dinner 2012 RSVP

Thursday, November 22, 2012
John Jay Dining Hall
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This special event will bring you opportunities for connection and sharing in addition to a delicious catered meal of: Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, roasted vegetables, candied yams, roasted potatoes, assorted holiday pies and beverages.


Subscribe to Student Life

Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.