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Student Life

How can I meet other international students, students from my country or with my background?

While we always encourage every student to learn from various communities and cultures while at Columbia and in New York, we understand the need to connect with others who share a similar background during your transition to campus life. Columbia offers over thirty cultural organizations that create spaces for all students who are interested in and/or share a particular culture, and who are excited to share that culture and experiences with the greater campus community.

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What is the best way to connect with others who share my religious beliefs?

A great place to start is the Office of the University Chaplain (OUC). The OUC ministers to the individual faiths of Columbia University's diverse community of scholars, students and staff from many different faith traditions while promoting interfaith and intercultural understanding. Toward this goal, the Office of the University Chaplain creates and sponsors programs concerning justice, faith, and spirituality.

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How can I learn more about Gender and Identity in the U.S. and at Columbia?

College is a time for students to explore and learn more about themselves and others, including their identities such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socio-economic class. Multicultural Affairs is a great resource to engage in dialogues, workshops, weekend retreats, one-on-one conversations with a peer or staff member, and programs about identity.

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Are students invited to all alumni events?

This depends. Check the alumni events calendar for events and contact the event lead with any questions. Events in the U.S. may not be open to current students and will specify.

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I am interning abroad in XYZ city; are there events going on or any opportunities where I can meet other students and alumni?

To find events abroad, first check the alumni events calendar. Events listed with green stars are school based and may be restricted. Alternatively, you may send an email to the Office of Alumni and Development with the region and dates in question and someone will let you know.

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How do I get involved with the alumni club in my home city?

If you would like to get involved with alumni in your city, please visit the Alumni Clubs website to search domestically or internationally for a club. Each club has listed a contact to email. The Center for Career Education offers advice on other ways to connect with alumni.

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How can I contact alumni to work with my student group on campus?

If your student group is interested in connecting with international alumni, please contact Chia-Ying Pan, Director of Education, Outreach & International Student Support, with your request. You may be asked to provide further detail.

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Residence Hall Leadership Organization

The Residence Hall Leadership Organization (RHLO) is a campus-wide group that aims to promote community among our residential population, advocate for the needs of residents and liaise with U

I want to be involved in student groups. Are there groups that are good for international students?

Columbia has nearly 350 student organizations and international students are encouraged to join any group(s) of interest. Group categories include academic, activist, advocacy, club sports, competition, cultural, dance, governing boards, humanitarian, community service, Fraternity and Sorority Life, LGBTQA, media, music performance, performance, pre-professional, publications, religious, spiritual, social education, special interest, student councils and theater.

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Make Smart, Safe, and Responsible Choices -- In and Out of the Classroom

Residential Programs and Judicial Affairs and Community Standards are responsible for holding students accountable for behavior that is inconsistent with community values or policies.  Depending on


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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.