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Student Life

Handbooks and Policies

Below is the most updated version of the Fraternity and Sorority Life Handbook.

Spring Program Series

The Spring Program Series is designed to strengthen Fellows’ professional skills and prepare them for their summer internships. Fellows and program administrators meet bi-weekly fo

"College, the Musical" Participant Survey

Thank you all for your participation in the recent professional residency workshop of College, The Musical.  Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey as it will greatly help us in further developing and offering programs such as this one.


Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
1. This Program provided a unique experience to work with professionals *
2. The Program provided me a much deeper sense of how professional artists make work *
3. The Program deepened my understanding of the process of making performance *
4. I felt that my participation in and contribution to the workshop was valued by the professionals in residence *
5. The Program demystified the process of creating a new musical *
6. The Program provided me useful tools as I continue my work in the performing arts (on campus and beyond) *
7. The Program provided me greater insight into theatrical professions, assisting in my ability to make decisions about career choices *
8. I developed close relationships with some of my fellow student participants *
9. I developed close relationships with some of the professionals in residence *
10. I plan to continue exploring opportunities for making new theater on campus *
11. I plan to continue exploring (or begin to explore) opportunities for making new theater off-campus / professionally *
12. Being part of this program was worth the time and energy I put into it *
13. I would encourage other students to participate in programs such as this in the future *
14. I would like to see more programs like this at Columbia in the future *
15. I am confident that my participation in this workshop has enhanced my ability to succeed in future theatrical endeavors *
1. Access to individuals working professionally in theater in the rehearsal/work environment *
2. Informal access to professionals (chats during breaks, before and after rehearsals) *
3. Observation of and participation in a workshop *
4. Having space and time to workshop new material *
5. Opportunity to utilize "break" time to focus on a theatrical production *
6. On-campus location *
7. Ability to showcase the work that had been done to fellow students/Columbia community *
8. Columbia alumni participation in the program *
9. The ability to make work without the pressure of a full production *
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Student of Color Advisory Board

Part of the Multicultural Affairs Advisory Council (MAAC), the Student of Color Advisory Board (SoCAB) informs, provides recommendations, and works with Multicultural Affair

Navigating Columbia: The First Year Experience Program

Are you a CC/SEAS member of the Class of 2016? Are you looking to make the most of  your Columbia experience?

The Center for Student Advising (CSA) and Office of Student Development and Activities (SDA) launched
a pilot program, entitled Navigating Columbia: The First Year Experience Program, in Fall 2012. We are
running an expanded program for Spring 2013. The program will run every Monday night from 5:30 PM
to 7 PM starting on February 11 and run through April 22.

Deadline to apply is Wednesday, February 6th at 9 AM. 

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Adding Inline Images

Instructions for adding inline images to pages.

Intercultural House Application

Thank you for your interest in the Intercultural Resource Center and for considering the Intercultural House (ICH) as your housing option!


Summer RA Application

We are excited that you are interested in the summer RA position with Residential Life at Columbia. The summary of qualifications, compensation, and primary responsibilities carefully outlines important dates and expectations. It is critical that all applicants read and understand the position description before applying. 

Application Deadline - March 31, 2024 at 11:59PM


Fieldwork Placements

Fieldwork Partnership & Practicum Description

As part of the ADVANCE!

Programs and Events

International @ Columbia is committed to providing a caring and supportive atmosphere focused on international students through a variety of academic and student life resources.


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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.