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Student Life

Programs and Resources for Students of Color

There are a number of resources available at Columbia that may interest students of color.

Cultural & Identity Based Student Organizations

Multicultural Affairs advises over 50 cultural and identity based student organizations that are recognized by the Activities Board at Columbia (ABC) or the


Please contact a staff member of Multicultural Affairs if we can support you with a campus issue. We are located in 505 Lerner and in the Intercultural Resource Center.

Student Engagement

An integrated co-curricular education assists Columbia students in developing a strong sense of connection to their classmates, to faculty and staff, and to their school or college.

How to Write a Constitution

Student group constitutions do not have to be long-winded, Victorian-style proclamations.

NSOP Coordinator Job Description

Position Description

  • Work under the supervision of the Student Engagment staff and in conjunction with the Center for Student Advising and the Barnard Dean of Studies Office to coor

Props and Costume Cages

Student Engagement houses a well-stocked costume closet and props cages open for student and student group use free of charg


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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.