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Student Life

Class Day Awards and Senior Marshals

Class Day Awards

These awards are presented to graduating seniors at the Columbia College and Columbia Engineering class day ceremonies in May.

Leadership and Excellence Awards

Leadership and Excellence Awards recognize the significant contributions of Columbia College and Columbia Engineering studen

Student Awards and Recognition

At the end of each academic year, Undergraduate Student Life and partner offices recognize students with awards and honors for leadership, cocurricular accomplishments, and noteworthy contributions

Create a New Student Group

Newly Recognized Groups and Applying for Recognition

Columbia-Supported Student Group Travel

Columbia University and Undergraduate Student Life require that all members of the University community comply with specific procedures for

Partisan Activity

Based on the nature of the University, a student organization cannot use its allocation to actively engage in lobbying for legislation pending in any governmental body and/or be actively be involve


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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.