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Student Life

International at Columbia

Residential Life

Commuter Guest Application

CC/SEAS students who would like to host a non-residential (commuter) undergraduate CC or SEAS student should submit the following application for review.


Once a CC/SEAS residential host student submits this application, the information will be reviewed by Residential Programs, Housing and Office of Judicial Affairs to confirm all information is correct and the non-residential undergraduate student is eligible to swipe into the residence hall where his/her host resides. 

Host Information
Guest Information
Statements of Understanding
I understand that I am responsible for the actions of my guest while he/she is in the residence hall, irrespective of my presence during a particular incident or concern, and may result in disciplinary action for me and/or my guest.
I understand my guest should abide by policies as outlined in the Guide to Living, available on the Columbia Housing website:
I have reviewed the policies outline in the Guide to Living with my non-residential guest.
I acknowledge that I am a currently enrolled undergraduate student in Columbia College or School of Engineering and Applied Science in good University standing. I understand that I must remain in good University standing in order to host a non-residential guest. I agree that my academic and disciplinary status may be verified by the Center for Student Advising and the Office of Judicial Affairs and Community Standards.
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Spring 2022 Pre-Calendaring Additional Information Form

Undergraduate Student Life advisers request that groups complete this form to better assist advisers with negotiating space reservations for student group events taking place during Fall 2022. Remember, you must submit your pre-calendaring submissions in Virtual EMS. Please review information about pre-calendaring on the UEM website. Your pre-calendaring requests must be submitted BEFORE you complete this form. 


Brownstone Event Registration Request Form

Any event in a University Brownstone meeting one or more of the following criteria must be registered through Residential Life and/or Multicultural Affairs:

Please enter your Columbia or Barnard email containing your UNI
Note that backyard access is only permitted on Saturdays and Sundays from 12pm-3pm. Amplified sound is not permitted in the backyards.
Please note that events may not include more than 74 individuals.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: doc docx xls xlsx.
An event review may be required based on the number of participants, backyard use, attendance of non-CUID guests, and/or concerns from past events. This event review will also determine if a walk-through is required prior to the event.
Required Compliance
In order to host an event, each chapter must be in compliance with NY State law, university policies, national fraternity insurance guidelines, and the University’s Alcohol and Drug Policy.
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Multicultural Affairs Opportunities

There are many ways to get involved with Multicultural Affairs! See below for open opportunities, last updated Monday, July 1. "$" indicates paid positions.

Charity Drive Request

Undergraduate councils and recognized Student Groups on the Morningside Campus (ABC, CI, Club Sports, IGC, MGC, and SGB) may host charity drives in several designated lobbies upon advisor approval.  


Charity Drives May Only Be Permitted in the Following Lobbies:

  1. East Campus
  2. Wien
  3. Furnald
  4. John Jay
  5. Broadway
  6. Schapiro

Each box should also include a sign/label including (DO NOT tape signs to painted walls): Student organization name & group contact email

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Professor Kymissis

Professor Ioannis (John) Kymissis is the Faculty-in-Residence for the Living Learning Center (LLC).  With his wife, Carissa Kymissis and their four children, the Kymissis’s live in Hartley Hall.


Responsible Community @ Columbia: The Columbia community supports smart, safe, and responsible decisions. Get involved, support your friends, and have fun!



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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.