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Student Life

Columbia University Mediation Clinic Referral: Follow Up

Following a mediation between two (or more) undergraduate Columbia College/School of Engineering and Applied Science students, please submit the following information. The information provided below helps the Residential Programs staff to continue to support students throughout their on-campus experience at Columbia University.  This information will be forwarded to the appropriate staff for follow up and documentation in the Maxient incident management system.

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Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf.
I understand that mediation is a voluntary process. I also understand that it is confidential, with limited exceptions (e.g. credible threats of imminent harm) that will be fully reviewed prior to the mediation.
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LGBTQ Student Groups


Columbia Queer Alliance (CQA)

Since 1967, the Columbia Queer Alliance is proud to continue its legacy of pioneering activism and social ju

Columbia Mentoring Initiative Mentor Application

The Columbia Mentoring Initiative (CMI) is an inter-generational mentorship program administered through Multicultural Affairs (OMA) that connects historically underrepresented first year students with returning students (sophomores, juniors and seniors) from shared social identities, and all students with alumni.  CMI provides students the opportunity to get involved in various "family trees" including Arab and Middle Eastern, Asian, Black, Indigenous, International, Latino, and LGBTQ. 

Demographic Information
"Pronouns in use" are what people want to be referred to in the third person (examples: she/her/hers; he/him/his; they/them/their; ze/zie/xe)
I.e. Tribal affiliation, pacific islander, native hawaiin, alaskan native, australian aboriginal, new zealand maori, indigenous to south or central america, etc
Family Tree Preference
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Columbia Mentoring Initiative Participation

Columbia Mentoring Initiative (CMI) is an inter-generational mentorship program that connects first-year students (mentees) with returning students (mentors) an

Columbia Mentoring Initiative Chair Application

Chair applications for Columbia Mentoring Initiative are now open! Applications for the 2024-25 academic year will be accepted until all positions are filled. 

Columbia Mentoring Initiative (CMI) is an inter-generational mentorship program that connects first-year and transfer students with returning students (upperclass mentors) and all students with alumni. Chairs have the opportunity to lead one of the following family trees:


Columbia University Mediation Clinic Referral

Disputes, conflicts, and complaints are a normal part of university life. Mediation allows parties in a dispute to control the outcomes of their conflicts. Mediation can work well for people who want to avoid the stress and inflexibility of more formal procedures or for people who need to continue working relationships. Many kinds of conflicts can be resolved successfully through mediation.

Please list the names and unis of any student involved in this conflict.
I understand that mediation is a voluntary process. I also understand that it is confidential, with limited exceptions (e.g. credible threats of imminent harm) that will be fully reviewed prior to the mediation.
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2022–23 Graduate Hall Director Intent to Return Form

Current graduate hall directors (GHDs) who will still be full-time students in the 2022–23 academic year are eligible to return as GHDs, pending performance of the 2022–23 academic year.

Please fill out the form below no later than Friday, February 18.


GHD Application 2017-2018

The Graduate Hall Director Committee is no longer accepting GHD Applications for the 2017-2018 academic year. 

If you are interested in pursuing other opportunities within Undergraduate Student Life, please visit to learn more. 



RA Master Application Summary

Please use bullet points for your summary.
Please use bullet points for your summary.
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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.