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Student Life

Group Exercise Evaluation Form

This is the electronic evaluation for the Group Exercise during the Student Staff Selection Process. 

Clarity, precision, frequency, degree of engagement, pattern of communication, etc)
Posture, eye contact, gestures, etc.
knowledge of RA position, understanding of community.
High influence, low influence, persuasive, dominant, democratic, peacemaker, etc.
Initiator, information seeker, information giver, clarifier, summarizer, consensus seeker, etc.
Seeks solutions/resolution, withdraws, becomes frustrated, etc.
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Resident Adviser Facilitated Group Discussion Evaluation

Instructions:  Please check off statements which are descriptive of the candidate’s participation and provide a description of what role the candidate played during the activity.  Be Specific!  For example, if someone is playing the leader role, do not simply write, “group leader.”  It is expected that you explain what behavior they are displaying.  Give detailed comments and fill out the form completely.

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Career Advice for International Students

Please R.S.V.P. if you plan to join us to dicuss strategies for finding summer internships and full-time employment. Free dinner and advice!

Date: Monday, December 8, 2014

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Location: Lerner 505 Lounge

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ROOTEd Facilitator Application

The ROOTEd team of peer facilitators is trained in issues of power, privilege and oppression and how this translates on a diverse college campus. Facilitators examine their own personal and cultural place in contemporary society through innovative exercises and are trained to be facilitators around diversity issues. 

We are now accepting facilitator applications for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Applicant Information
If undecided, please type "undecided."
Contact Information
Campus Address
Local Address
Include apartment number (if applicable).
Application Questions
The questions are linked at the top of the page.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
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Contact ISAB

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Davis Projects for Peace 2016 Application

The Davis Projects for Peace is an initiative funded by Kathryn W. Davis for undergraduate students to design and implement their own grassroots projects to take place during the summer months. Individual students or groups of students are invited to submit innovative and engaging proposals for projects focused on conflict resolution and the breaking down of barriers to peace.

Interested applicants should prepare a two-page, well-written statement and one-page budget. Statements should include the following information:

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
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New Student Orientation Program 2015 (NSOP 2015)- Organizer Information and Program Details

The information will help Student Engagement prepare for NSOP 2015 and to meet all needs of campus partners. Please provide detailed and concise information regarding your session.

Office or Organization Details
Session Details
Technical and Facilities Needs
Other Information
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Straight White Men Dress Rehearsal Application

Thank you for your interest in securing a ticket for the dress rehearsal of Young Jean Lee's Straight White Men at the Public Theater on November 6, 2014

Young Jean Lee has been called “the most adventurous downtown playwright of her generation" by The New York Times, has written a new play, Straight White Men which will open at The Public Theater this November.

If a participant needs to cancel, they may do so by emailing David Milch ( no later than Wednesday, November 5 at 11:59am
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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.