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Student Life

Responsible Community @ Columbia Facilitator Acceptance and Understanding of Expectations

Please read the following statement of acceptance for the RC@C facilitator role and indicated that you have read and understood each statement. Please complete this form no later than Wednesday April 15, 2015 at 12:00 p.m.

1 Start 2 Expectations and Commitments 3 Complete
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Days of Dialogue Conference


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International Resource Team

The International Resource Team (IRT) is a cross-functional work-team.

ISOP Graduate Assistant Position

The application is now closed. Applicants who submitted their applications prior to 9 am on March 2, 2015 should hear back from us in 3 weeks. For questions, please email

Multicultural Affairs is looking for a Graduate Student Coordinator for the undergraduate International Student Orientation Program (ISOP). Supporting the Director of Education, Outreach and International Student Support, the Coordinator is responsible for planning, devising, and managing components of ISOP for Summer 2015.

On-Campus Food Service Policy

Columbia University prohibits the sale or distribution of foods by any organization including but not limited to student groups, faculty or staff unless the foods are prepared in a kitchen that hol

Resident Adviser Individual Interview Evaluation

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Your Story: What has OMA meant to your Columbia experience?

In honor of the tenth anniversary of Multicultural Affairs, we are compiling stories from students and alumni about their involvement with OMA and the impact its programs, services, and staff have had on their Columbia experiences.

We are accepting both written and video submissions. Please note the format guidelines for each: 


Resident Adviser Applicant Self-Evaluation

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Resident Adviser Host Evaluation Form

Directions: Host will use this form to record information about how the candidate interacts with the rest of their group or with the host throughout the process.  This is an opportunity to record anything that you see that will be helpful for us to know in choosing new staff that may not be captured in the other exercise/interview evaluations.

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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.