Well renowned santoor player, Rahul Sharma, famous Afghan rubab player Homayun Sakhi and talented tabla player Salar Nader came together for a concert performance at Carnegie Hall presented by Robert Browning Associates. They have collaborated over the years with other musicians to rejuvenate the music from the courts of Mughal emperors for an album that was co-produced by the Aga Khan Music Initiative and Smithsonian Folkways Recordings entitled “In the Footsteps of Babur: Musical Encounters from the Lands of the Mughals." Tune in tonight at 7 pm for Raag aur Taal, to listen to them in conversation and their music, which takes us back in time to the era of Mughal empire founded at the beginning of the 16th century by Babur and that established a golden period in India, Afghanistan and beyond.
Sunday, August 30, 2015 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm