- Mohammad Rafi/ Begum Akhtar
- The Poetry and Prose of Ghalib
- Talat Mohammad
- Bazm-e-Talat
- Odeon
- Begum Akhtar
- Begum Akthar in Memorium
- Odeon
- Begum Akhtar
- Begum Akthar in Memorium
- Odeon
The Ghazals of Ghalib, featuring Taimoor Shahid, published author, poet and translator discussing Ghalib, the ghazal tradition and poetry in general A recent review of his translation work: http://www.induswomanwriting.com/book-review-the-dangerous-man.html#axzz... A resource for Ghalib - Professor Fran Pritchett's website: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00ghalib/