In All Languages playlist for 02/07/2010

Live Set, recorded 02/05/2010
Interview, recorded 02/05/2010
Sari Siroon Yar; Im Khorodig Yar; Keler Tsoler; Gakav Tuhrav; Sareri Hovin Mernem; Vijag; Bingyol; Ghapama; Es Kisher; Hars En Gnoom; Zinch Oo Zinch Dam; Ororotsayin (Ari Im Sokhag)
Yaruhs Khorodig E; Lachin u Manan; Maratuk; Mogats Shugen; Es Kisher; Empty Hearth; Ruri; Msho Geghen; Gago Mare, Garke Zis; The Forgotten Suitor; Oror; Kami's Theme; Churi Bes Yegank, Kamuh Bes Antsank; Kele Lao; Jakhrag; Katser Im Shugen; Akh Ninar; Cra
Oror; Gakavi Yerke; Manoogneroo Hayr Mer; Yerginkn Ambel E; Dzirani Dzar; Karoon; Alakyav/Khngi Dzar; Unabi; Shooshigi; Keler Tsoler; Hoy Nazan/Shakhgr Shookhgr; Akh Maral Jan; Kele Kele; Chinar Es; Chem Grna Khagha; Ervoom Em/Shogher Jan; Voh Inch Kaghts
We were fortunate enough in tonight's In All Languages to have Zulal, an Armenian a cappella trio comprised of Teni Apelian, Yeraz Markarian, and Anais Tekerian, record a live set for us and talk to us about their interpretations of the folk songs of Armenia plucked directly from the historic villages and past of Armenians. We then listened to the entirety of Zulal's two studio albums to date, "Zulal" (2004) and "Notes to a Crane" (2007). Learn more about Zulal at To round off our program, we listened to Isabel Bayrakdarian, one of the world's leading sopranos, on her album "Gomidas Songs." The album includes the music of Gomidas, the important Armenian priest, composer, singer, and, most importantly, ethnomusicologist. On the album, Bayrakdarian sings with the Chamber Players of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, except on tracks "Unabi" and "Shooshigi," where she is accompanied by Serouj Kradjian.