Audio by AC4 in News Archive

Making Conflict Work

In October's collaboration with the Advanced Consortium for Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity, the AC4 team discusses their new book Making Conflict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement.

AC4 November

Peter Coleman interviews José Pascal da Rocha, a professor of conflict resolution at Columbia. Pascal spent the 90s and early 2000s going on peacekeeping missions and serving as a mediator and advisor everywhere from Afghanistan to Somalia. Pascal discusses his experiences in the field and explains how paper-based role-playing games have helped him solve huge and seemingly intractible real-world problems.

AC4 December

Peter T. Coleman interviews Larry Liebovitch, Professor of Physics and Psychology at Queens College of the City University of New York.

AC4 Interview with Nick Redding & Christianna Gozzi

The following interview is from Conversations on the Leading Edge, a collaboration between the Earth Institute's Advanced Consortium on Conflict, Cooperation, and Complexity and WKCR's Late City Edition. In this conversation, Dr. Peter Coleman interviews his colleagues Nick Redding & Christianna Gozzi about the formation of AC4 and the development of the AC4 Link initiative.

Complexity, Intractability, and Social Change

Intractable conflicts are those conflicts that persist over time and space. They draw us in and we seem to remain trapped in their grip despite efforts of many to resolve them. Examples are easy to identify – from national and international conflicts to a longstanding family feud. In his 10-minute talk, Dr. Peter Coleman will share a new way of thinking about and engaging in intractable conflict – through the lens of complexity science and dynamical systems theory
