The following is a recording of a live reading and interview with Jen Fitzgerald. Jen is a poet, essayist, and a native New Yorker who received her MFA in Poetry at Lesley University. She is a community activist and freelance writer with experience in both the creative and professional spectrum. She is the host of New Books in Poetry Podcast as part of the New Books Network, a member of New York Writers Workshop, and was a Bread Loaf 2014 Conference participant. She teaches/will be teaching “Writing the Silence,” a workshop she created to help writers interrogate the synaptic leaps in their work, for LitReactor, New York Writers Workshop at the New York Public Library, and Split This Rock. Her first collection of poetry, “The Art of Work” is forthcoming with Noemi Press in Summer 2016. Her work has been featured on PBS Newshourand Harriet: The Poetry Foundation Blog and in Tin House, Salon, PEN Anthology, Cosmonauts Avenue, among others and is forthcoming at Colorado Review andPublic Pool. She is now in the D.C. area and at work on her memoir.