Audio by Alexandra Watson, Naomi Extra, Claire Schwartz in Arts Archive

Studio A With Alexandra Watson, Naomi Extra, and Claire Schwartz

The following is a live reading with Naomi Extra and Claire Schwartz with Alexandra Watson as a co-host.

Alexandra Watson is Apogee's Executive Editor. She's been working with Apogee since Issue 01 launched, in 2012. She teaches writing at Columbia and Baruch College.

Claire Schwartz is a PhD candidate in African American Studies, American Studies, and Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies at Yale. Her poetry has appeared in Apogee, Cream City Review, PMS: poemmemoirstory, and Prairie Schooner, and her essays, reviews, and interviews in Electric Literature, The Georgia Review, the Virginia Quarterly Review and elsewhere. She is working on a collection of interviews with contemporary black American women poets.

Naomi Extra is a freelance writer, poet, and doctoral student in American Studies at Rutgers University-Newark. Both her creative and scholarly work explore the themes of sexual agency and pleasure in the lives of black women and girls. Naomi is also a contributing writer to the feminist publication, Weird Sister. Her work has been published in The Feminist Wire, Day One, Bitch, Racialicious, The Paterson Literary Review, and elsewhere.

Apogee is hosting a launch party on July 29th for their 7th print issue. More infromation can be found here.

Claire can be found @23cschwartz

Naomi can be found @NaomiExtra