Columbia College | Columbia Engineering | School of General Studies

Undergraduate International Travel Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

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How to Use the Undergraduate Travel Web App

I couldn’t find my internship or program on the list, now what?

Are you traveling alone?

If you have obtained Columbia funding for international travel (Funding Source) — i.e. the Work Exemption Program, the Columbia College Alumni and Parent Internship Fund, the Columbia College Alumni-Sponsored Student Internship Program, the Columbia Undergraduate Scholars Program Summer Enhancement Fellowship, etc. — and/or secured an opportunity on your own, you may not find your internship or program on the list and will therefore be asked a few additional questions about your travel plans while filling our your School Sponsorship application.

After you log into the Undergraduate Travel Web App, choose “Add Your Program” and then identify your Funding Source. 

To add your program, you must have the following information available:

  • Name of program; if you do not have a program name, please use the following format to create a unique name for your program: 
    [Last Name] [Related Office or Department or Funding Program] [Program Type] [Year]
  • Program type (i.e. internship, study abroad, conference, service-learning, etc.)
  • Name of the office or department you’ve worked with on your travel plans
  • Description of Program
  • Dates of travel
  • All locations you plan on traveling to while abroad
  • Program Contact (if other than yourself)

Are you traveling with a group?

If you have secured an opportunity that is led by a student group, faculty member or staff member and do not see your program on the list of pre-approved programs, please ask the faculty, staff or student group advisor to apply for Program Approval. Once you have confirmed that Program Approval has been secured you will be able to apply for School Sponsorship.

Are you the program organizer?

After the key logistical components of your trip are established (i.e. all destinations to be visited, accommodation and transportation plans, activities and/or excursions), please apply for Program Approval. You must complete a Program Approval application at least six weeks prior to the program start date. If you are a student program organizer, please work with your student group advisor during this process.

Can I add additional destinations to my application once it has been approved?

You may make edits to to your application for School Sponsorship at any point in the process. Please note that the addition of new destinations will place your School Sponsorship application in “review” status until newly added travel has been reviewed, assessed and approved. If destinations added are of a medium, high or extreme risk rating, your application may require additional steps, including, but not limited to, an International SOS Itinerary Review.

How do I withdraw my School Sponsorship application?

Visit the Undergraduate Travel Web App, click on the “Withdraw” button on your dashboard and confirm approval. Should you need to withdraw any pending applications, please do so as soon as possible.

How will I know if my School Sponsorship application has been received? Approved? Denied?

You will receive an email from when your application is received, as well as when a final determination has been made on your application. You may also check the status of your application, as well as confirm any additional required steps, by logging in to the Undergraduate Travel Web App.

How to Comply with the Policy

What do you consider a side trip?

Any travel that is not an official part of a Columbia-Led, Columbia-Facilitated and/or Recognized Travel program’s curriculum/course/itinerary is considered side trip travel (sometimes referred to as sojourn travel, personal travel, or deviation). All components of side trip travel are organized by the traveler – typically an individual traveler. Side trip travel may be within or outside of the host country and can take place immediately before, during or immediately after participation in Columbia-Led, Columbia-Facilitated and/or Recognized Travel.

How do I register my side trip?

Before planning or booking any side trips/independent travel, students should check with their program to ensure that side trips/independent travel is allowed and confirm any additional requirements the program may have in place for side trips/independent travel.  

Columbia University plays no role in planning any part of such side trip travel and cannot provide a comprehensive review of any side trip travel identified in a Student Sponsorship application. However, affiliates should identify side trip travel and register in ISOS, the University’s emergency assistance provider, so that the University is aware of their location in the event of an emergency and render appropriate support.  To that end, all affiliates engaging in programs overseen by the Undergraduate Travel Review Committee are asked to do the following:

Prior to Departure

Any travel information (including air/ground transportation and accommodations) on-hand prior to departure for planned side travel trips can be included in the School Sponsorship application. All side trip travel taking place immediately before, during, or after Columbia-Led, Columbia-Facilitated and/or Recognized Travel must be registered in the traveler’s ISOS MyTrips profile. Students should register any planned side travel that occurs during a student’s program abroad and takes the traveler away from the program location(s) for more than 24 hours. The University will not provide a comprehensive review of side trip travel, but any identified side trips to ISOS High/Extreme risk or evacuation status locations may require that the dean of the student’s respective school, and in Extreme travel risk locations the Provost, be notified in advance of the travel. It may also require parental notification due to the risk level and/or safety implications associated with the proposed travel.

While In-Country

Students who participate in unplanned side trip travel during a Columbia-Led, Columbia-Facilitated and/or Recognized Travel program have two options for registering their independent travel:

  • log into your ISOS MyTrips account and add your travel details (transportation & accommodation) to the trip you already have entered for your current travel program. 

  • log in to the ISOS Assistance App and “check in” upon arriving at each new destination. A “check in” only lasts for 24 hours.

Side trips to High travel risk locations may require that the dean of the student’s respective school, and in Extreme travel risk locations the Provost, be notified of the travel. It may also require parental notification due to the risk level and/or safety implications associated with the proposed travel.

Please note that extreme sports/activities – to include but not limited to: mountain climbing, bungee jumping, skiing, activities involving parachutes, scuba diving, etc. – are not covered by Columbia’s travel medical insurance program without prior explicit approval. Please contact if you plan on participating in any such activities.

I want to travel before or after my Columbia-Led, Columbia-Facilitated and/or Recognized International travel is completed. Do I need to include those locations in my School Sponsorship application?

Columbia University plays no role in planning any part of such side trip travel and cannot provide a comprehensive review of any side trip travel identified in a Student Sponsorship application. However, affiliates are encouraged to identify side trip travel and register in ISOS, the University’s emergency assistance provider, so that the University is aware of their location in the event of an emergency and render appropriate support.

What do I need to complete my School Sponsorship application?

Your application for School Sponsorship must be started and completed in one sitting, therefore please have the following on hand before beginning:

  • your UNI;
  • the name of the program you will be attending;
  • the program type (i.e. study abroad, conference, service-learning, etc.);
  • your dates of travel;
  • your emergency contact while abroad — name, phone number, email address, and their relationship to you; and
  • all locations you plan on traveling to while abroad, including those that are not an official part of the program’s curriculum and/or itinerary — this includes side trips during the program and any pre- or post-program travel occuring within seven days of the program's beginning or end date.

Once you have all of the necessary items, log in to the Undergraduate Travel Web App to begin your School Sponsorship application.

What types of travel require that I apply for School Sponsorship?

Undergraduate Students from Columbia College, Columbia Engineering and the School of General Studies

School Sponsorship is required of undergraduate students from Columbia College, Columbia Engineering and the School of General Studies* participating in international travel that is Columbia-Led, Columbia Facilitated and/or Recognized International Travel, and fits any or all of the following criteria:

  • is any of the following in nature: conference, research, internship, study abroad, service, performance, co-curricular and/or extra-curricular;
  • is funded in whole or part by any school, program, and/or unit of Columbia University;
  • earns academic credit at Columbia; and/or
  • is organized, advised, and/or accompanied by Columbia University faculty or staff serving in a Columbia University capacity.

* School of General Studies students in dual degree programs are exempt from the Undergraduate International Travel Policy process during the time in which they are in residence at the partner University, including travel to the partner University; however, they are subject to policy requirements if undertaking Columbia-Led, Columbia-Facilitated and/or Recognized Travel while completing the portion of their degree that is in residence at Columbia University.

Undergraduate Students from Other Schools

School Sponsorship is also required of all other undergraduate students participating in international travel and/or recognized student group travel that:

Graduate Students

School Sponsorship is required of all graduate students participating in international travel and/or recognized student group travel that:

My School Sponsorship has been approved with required safety contingencies. What now?

Your additional safety contingencies are safety precautions that may include additional travel insurance, securing a satellite phone and/or consultation with the CU on the Road Travel Medicine Program. If necessary, the undergraduate travel review committee will reach out, and you will be asked to confirm that you will adhere to the additional safety contingencies.

I’ve received School Sponsorship, what’s next?

Maintaining School Sponsorship is contingent on the completion of completing a Pre-Departure Orientation, an Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release form, and any additional safety protocol recommended by the Undergraduate Travel Review Committee. Log in to the Undergraduate Travel Web App to fulfill these requirements, as well as to see and complete any remaining University requirements (i.e. registering travel with ISOS) that must be fulfilled prior to your departure.

How do I complete the Pre-Departure Orientation?

The required Pre-Departure Orientation will be available through the Undergraduate Travel Web App once you have been granted School Sponsorship.

Where do I find the Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release form?

The required Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release form will be available in the Undergraduate Travel Web App once you have submitted your School Sponsorship application. 

Where can I find the International SOS risk ratings for my destination(s)?

Visit International SOS for a list of countries and their travel risk rating. Visit the International SOS Columbia University member site for more detailed information about your travel location.

How long will review and approval of my School Sponsorship application take?

We are committed to reviewing and assessing School Sponsorship applications in a timely and prompt manner. Each application will be reviewed and assessed individually. Applications for School Sponsorship for new programs and/or to locations of high or extreme risk rating needed to approve applications. Students are encouraged to apply for School Sponsorship as soon as possible after their acceptance to their program, and no less than four weeks prior to departure.

What happens if I don’t comply with the Undergraduate International Travel Policy?

Students not in compliance with the Undergraduate International Travel Policy and/or the Columbia University Travel Planning Policy will be reported to Student Conduct for disciplinary action. Additionally, the student may be subject to having their sponsorship and/or program funding revoked and/or their program terminated.

While abroad, travel location(s) may be re-evaluated to have elevated safety concerns. Students will be advised of the risks, including newly determined ones, in their location and, if necessary, they will be provided a recommended course of action which may include departure from the country or region. Schools reserve the right to revoke sponsorship, support and funding should students not follow these recommendations.

Why a policy just for international travel?

With planned implementation of an enhanced University international travel policy impacting undergraduates, the undergraduate schools recognized the immediate need to develop an aligned process for international travel first. As the undergraduate schools are committed to better supporting the health, safety, and security of our undergraduates while they pursue transformative, meaningful, and engaging educational experiences beyond the classroom, additional time and consideration will be taken to eventually develop a policy that will be inclusive of domestic travel as well.

Need Program Approval?

If you are a Columbia faculty or staff member and have an opportunity, program or excursion that is recognized or supported by Columbia and involves international travel, please see our Travel Programs page.


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