COVID-19 Travel Requirements | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Columbia College | Columbia Engineering | School of General Studies

Undergraduate International Travel Policy

COVID-19 Travel Requirements

What do I need to know about Columbia-sponsored undergraduate travel during COVID-19?

As of May 11, 2023, the University adjusted its COVID-19 guidance. Please see below for the updated guidance issued at the official conclusion of the national public health emergency. 

With the ending of the COVID-19 national public health emergency on May 11, 2023, the University is adjusting its COVID-19 guidance as indicated below. Please also note the additional requirements for those in clinical and clinical research settings.  

  • Vaccination: The COVID-19 vaccine mandate will no longer be in effect, and proof of vaccination will not need to be submitted. However, we strongly recommend that all affiliates follow CDC guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination which recommend that everyone be up to date with COVID-19 vaccines including booster doses.
  • Masking: Affiliates are recommended to follow community guidance on indoor masking, which is predicated on community transmission levels. Individuals may decide to mask based on their own circumstances and their preferences. Such decisions should be respected.
  • Visitor policy: Visitors, including vendors and alumni, will no longer need to show proof of vaccination.
  • ReOpen CU app: The ReOpen CU app will no longer be in use by the University.
  • Positive COVID-19 tests: An affiliate with a positive test does not need to report their result to the University; all affiliates should refer to the CDC for guidance after a positive test and consult with their provider for appropriate care.

Additional requirements for patient-facing faculty, staff, and students in clinical and clinical research settings:  

University Clinical and Clinical Research Settings
Masking, including an N95 when necessary, remains required in University clinical and clinical research settings, as of the present time. Additional guidance or future changes in requirements will be communicated as they occur.

Non-University Clinical Spaces (e.g., affiliated hospitals)
Vaccination and masking policies in these spaces should be adhered to.

For All Settings
The University continues to strongly recommend that affiliates stay home if they feel unwell and isolate according to CDC guidelines if they test positive for COVID-19.

As always, the University will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation carefully and adjust these measures as needed.

Need Program Approval?

If you are a Columbia faculty or staff member and have an opportunity, program or excursion that is recognized or supported by Columbia and involves international travel, please see our Travel Programs page.


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