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Student Life

2020 International Student Orientation Program (ISOP) Orientation Leader and Head Orientation Leader Application

Orientation leaders (OLs) and head orientation leaders for the International Student Orientation Program (ISOP) are undergraduate students in Columbia College or Columbia Engineering who assist Multicultural Affairs in welcoming first-year international undergraduate students to Columbia University. Leaders play an integral role in that they shape a positive orientation experience and prepare new international students for a successful beginning to their Columbia University career.

Traveling Recognition Award

The Traveling Recognition Award is sponsored by the Columbia National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) and recognizes the contributions of a specific re

2023 Thanksgiving Day Lunch

Undergraduate Student Life (USL) and Columbia Dining invite you to join members of the Columbia family who will be on campus over the break to a Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday, November 23, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at John Jay Dining Hall! Join us for a traditional Thanksgiving meal in community with fellow students while connecting, reflecting and sharing traditions that take place at home.

International @ Columbia Event: Multi-Ethnic Eating Tour on October 4, 2015

Are you interested in learning the history of the Lower East Side with other international students? Want to try out different food from the Lower East Side, Little Italy, and Chinatown? If so, join International @ Columbia for this two-hour walking tour. During the course of our walking we will sample about 10 different items, representing the Dominican, Jewish, Italian and Chinese communities of the Lower East Side. Offerings will include vegetarian options. 

What are some of the themes of our monthly meeting? What will we do in those meetings?

Our eight to nine student facilitators select themes for monthly meetings, so the programming is new and dynamic each year. Past themes have included:


Is this a mentorship program? I am a senior and am looking for an opportunity to mentor younger students and make new friends. How is this program different from the Columbia Mentoring Initiative (CMI)?

We hope to include all class years in each ambassador group. Our fundamental goal is to connect people from different backgrounds and this includes age and class year. GAP is a learning and sharing experience for all members of the group  - the premise of your ambassador group is an equal rather than a mentor-mentee relationship.


Is this a language exchange program? I am learning a foreign language now and would like to meet someone to practice the language.

No, this is not a language exchange program. All programming will be conducted in English. However, there will be many opportunities to share elements of language and culture, and you may meet people with whom you can speak and/or practice many languages!

There are Columbia student clubs and other organizations in New York City that offer language exchange pairs.  Please email if you would like to discuss some of your options. 


What is the commitment like if I am selected?

Ambassadors are expected to participate in programs on Fridays (twice a month), sometimes as a large group and sometimes as a small peer-group. These meetings will typically last for about 75 minutes and start at 5:00 P.M. EDT. Additional optional programming like excursions may be added throughout the year.  Participants who have been able to fully participate are more likely to feel that the GAP has been a positive experience for them. 

Expected absences due to academic requirements can be discussed.  


When will I know whether I am accepted?

You will be notified whether you are accepted to GAP and, if accepted, information about your ambassador group in early October.



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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.