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Student Life

Class Awareness Month

Did you know that November is Class Awareness Month? This month seeks to raise awareness and foster conversation about class and socio-economic status on campus while centering the experiences of lower-income students. The Quest Scholars Network and FLIP (the First-Generation and/or Low Income Partnership) have organized an amazing lineup of events hosted by various student groups and offices where you can learn, discuss and mobilize around the FLI identity at Columbia.

Davis Projects for Peace Workshops

Grant winners are awarded $10,000 to complete a project in the summer related to creating peace domestically and abroad. Come learn more about the program and gain insight on creating projects and submitting successful applications at an upcoming information workshop.

Undergraduate International Travel Policy Reminder

Per the Undergraduate International Travel Policy, students who have been accepted into a global program or secured an independent global opportunity must obtain school-level approval before traveling out of the United States.

Transgender Awareness Week

Trans Awareness Week is a series of events that raise awareness and educate the Columbia community about the lives and experiences of transgender and non-binary communities. The week also sets out to celebrate, affirm and center transgender and non-binary communities on campus.

The events below are organized by a collaborative student programming board with students from Barnard College, Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, General Studies and the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Disability Justice Focus Group

Multicultural Affairs is looking for a small group of student volunteers who have experience and/or interest in disability justice activism to participate in a one-hour focus group.

Faculty-in-Residence Broadway Trip: The Minutes

Join West Campus Faculty-in-Residence Dr. Samuel Roberts to see The Minutes on Broadway!

Sign-ups for this event are limited. Those selected will be notified, as will those that are placed on the waitlist.

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A Reflection on Toni Morrison's Life and Works

The Butler Banner Project, in collaboration with Undergraduate Student Life and Women of Color Collective, is hosting a series of events to honor Toni Morrison.

The events below are cosponsored by Undergraduate Student Life. For more events related to The Butler Banner Project, please visit:

Disability Justice Focus Group

What do you wish the Columbia University community understood about disability, accessibility and ableism? Multicultural Affairs is looking for a small group of student volunteers who have experience and/or interest in disability justice activism to participate in a one-hour focus group. Participants will be asked to share their experiences around disability, accessibility and ableism on campus and in the larger community to inform the development of a new disability justice workshop curriculum and accessible event-planning guide. Lunch will be served!

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Your Information
Examples of pronouns include she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc. Learn more about pronouns.
Note: Participation is open to all Columbia University students, but we will give priority to those from Columbia College and Columbia Engineering.
Participant Questions
Note: Prior experience is not required to participate.
How can we support you in getting to the meeting space on the day of the focus group? Is there anything you would like us to know about how you participate best in group conversation? Through what formats do you best express yourself?
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Jumpstarting Aspiring Developers and Entrepreneurs applications are now open!

The Jumpstarting Aspiring Developers and Entrepreneurs (JADE) program will take place from Sunday, January 12Saturday, January 18. Learn more about JADE.


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Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.