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Berick Center for Student Advising

Effective Note-taking in Lectures

Why Take Lecture Notes?

Most students take notes during lectures, but why?

ASP Welcome Reception RSVP Form

Please join Academic Success Programs (ASP) for a welcome reception on Saturday, April 13, 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Satow Room on the 5th floor of Lerner Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with staff and current students in ASP. 

If you plan on attending, please fill out the RSVP form below.

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Undergraduate Research

Interested in getting involved with undergraduate research on campus, but unsure about how to start?


First-in-Family Programs (FiF) support Columbia’s first-generation undergraduates and those who identify as first-gen, helping them thrive in the college environment.

MTAC Participant Agreement

This is the participant agreement webform for students who have signed up for the MTAC Biology program for the spring 2015 term.

Submission of this webform is required in order to participate in MTAC. If you have any questions, please contact 

Please select which MTAC group you have signed up for.
Please read the following expectations carefully.

I understand that, as an MTAC participant, it is my responsibility to:

  • Commit to attending the MTAC group that I have selected each week; or, if my schedule changes, to switch my group (pending availability) before the February 2 deadline.
  • Keep track of my attendance and let my coach know in advance if I will not be able to attend a session, understanding that I may be asked to leave the program if I accrue more than two unexcused absences.
  • Keep pace with the course and assignments, including: reading notes; going to class; going to recitation; using the problem book; completing all assignments.
  • Prepare all assigned MTAC-material in advance of group meetings, including but not limited to: solving practice problems; reading through problems for each session in advance.
  • Participate actively during each group session, including but not limited to: asking questions, answering questions when called on, sharing alternate approaches, drawing out problem elements on the board, and respectfully challenging answers with which you disagree.
  • Be respectful of other group members and help my MTAC coach to create a positive, respectful environment for learning. This includes meeting expectations set out in the Coaching Group Contract at the beginning of the semester, and respecting all students’ right to keep performance on problems in coaching groups private.
  • Participate in all program assessment activities.
  • Communicate with coaches outside of the group ONLY through the online group space. Coaches have been instructed not to answer emails sent to them privately.
  • Notify as soon as possible if I decide to discontinue participating in MTAC or have dropped the course.
    This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

    Academic Resources Toolbox

    The Academic Resources Toolbox brings together exercises, articles, and software to help you improve your academic performance.


    ASP @ John Jay
    Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015
    Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
    Location: John Jay Dining Hall


    CSArts was created to give Columbia College and Columbia Engineering artists a space in which to showcase their artwork and talent on the walls of the Berick Center for Student Advising (CSA). Since the CSA has more than 23,000 appointments in the ten months of the academic year, these works of art will be seen by many.


    Subscribe to Berick Center for Student Advising

    James H. and Christine Turk Berick Center for Student Advising


    403 Alfred Lerner Hall
    2920 Broadway
    New York, NY 10027

    Call: (212) 854-6378

    Fax: (212) 854-2458

    9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

    An Advisor of the Day is available by phone or in person Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.