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Yale University - Discovery to Cure Internship Program

New Haven

The Discovery to Cure Internship Program was established in 2003 by Dr. Gil Mor, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, with the goal of exposing students from local schools to Yale's biomedical laboratories to open their minds to pursure career opportunities in science and medicine. The initial program enrolled four students from two local high schools with the participation of two laboratories at the Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences. Since then, the program has grown to include over 41 schools from throughout the country as well as internationally. The program now includes undergraduates and teachers. The program is highly competitive (less than 12% acceptance) and since its inception a total of over 300 high school students, undergraduates and high school teachers have successfully completed the Program. Several interns have presented their research work at science fairs, including the Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at UCONN, the National JSHS, Pfizer Life Science Award, Connecticut State Science Fair, International Science and Engineering Fair and the Siemens Westinghouse Science and Technology Competition, achieving semifinalist, finalist and first place status. Approximately 20% of the students have published their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The Discovery to Cure Internship Program is a NIH supported program (NOH 1R25HD072591-01)

The DTC Undergraduate Internship Program is a immersive research program where undergraduate students interested in the field of science are selected to spend 6-8 weeks over the summer working at the Yale School of Medicine in a laboratory under the mentorship of a PI, postdoctoral student or research assistant.

Current undergraduate students wishing to apply need to provide: - completed application - a current C.V. - two (2) letters of recommendation (advisors/teachers/counselors must submit their recommendation letter directly to the office)
6-8 weeks
Late January
Contact Information

Yale School of Medicine

Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences

PO Box 208063 

New Haven CT
