Announcements, Diploma Frames, and Grad Gifts | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

Columbia College | Columbia Engineering

Announcements, Diploma Frames, and Grad Gifts

Consider commemorating this special occasion for yourself or your graduate with the following traditional items and gifts:

Announcements & Class Rings

While parents of graduating students will receive a formal printed invitation, you and your graduate may wish to let friends and other family members know of this momentous event with graduation announcements. Custom announcements personalized with the student’s name, degree, and major may be ordered online through the Bookstore's graduation vendor, Balfour. Class rings may also be ordered online through Balfour.

Congratulatory Messages in the Columbia Daily Spectator 

The Columbia Daily Spectator, Columbia University's independent student newspaper, will print personal congratulatory messages in its annual Commencement issue. This issue will be printed and distributed to graduating students, when conditions allow this. Space for congratulatory ads are available for purchase now — please reach out with any requests to

Columbia University Bookstore Merchandise

Visit the online store to make a purchase of a commemorative graduation gift for your student. 

Diploma Frames

Columbia University diploma frames are available for purchase through the Columbia University bookstore.