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Berick Center for Student Advising

How do I get a recommendation letter?

If you are applying to graduate school and would like the CSA to gather and send out recommendation letters on your behalf, use the Dossier Service.

If you are applying to law school or health professional school, please contact the Office of Preprofessional Advising.

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How do I study abroad?

Columbia College:

The minimum requirements to be permitted to study abroad are:

  • GPA above 3.0
  • Sufficient progress on Core requirements
  • At least 4 semesters of language study (or the equivalent) in the language of the country in which you wish to study abroad
  • One course about the country or region in which you wish to study abroad

CC students should meet with a study abroad adviser in the Office of Global Programs.

Columbia Engineering:

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How do I take a leave of absence?

Be sure to talk to your Advising Dean if you are contemplating a leave of absence.  

Voluntary Leaves are taken for a variety of reasons.  For more information, review our Voluntary Leave of Absence Policy.  If you wish to take a Voluntary Leave once the semester has already started, you must discuss your plans with your Advising Dean and present a petition to the Committee on Academic Standing. 

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How do I change programs of study?

Columbia College: Complete the CC Change of Program Form and bring it to the CSA in 403 Lerner.

Columbia Engineering: Complete the SEAS Change of Program Form, get departmental approval and a signature, and bring the form to the CSA in 403 Lerner.

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How do I declare a major?

Columbia College and Columbia Engineering students declare their majors online during the major declaration period in their sophomore year.  Engineering students declare in October; CC students declare in March.  Look for an email from your Advising Dean with a clickable link, or visit SEAS Major Declaration/CC Major Declaration to get started. 

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Subscribe to Berick Center for Student Advising

James H. and Christine Turk Berick Center for Student Advising


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: (212) 854-6378

Fax: (212) 854-2458

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

An Advisor of the Day is available by phone or in person Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.