Preprofessional Opportunities

Wadsworth Center - Research Experience for Undergraduates


Category: Summer
Type: Research
Location: Albany New York
Deadline: Early February
Duration: 10 weeks
Required Grade Level:


Department of Biomedical Sciences
Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Wadsworth Center C-236
Empire State Plaza, Box 509
Albany, NY 12201-0509



Students must be US citizens or permanent residents. Applicants are sought who are majoring in a natural science, computer science or mathematics and who are interested in attending graduate school in the sciences. Preference is given to students who come from undergraduate institutions without research opportunities.


The Wadsworth Center participates in the National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students work on independent research projects in the laboratories of Wadsworth scientists. Students engage in research in a wide range of biological disciplines.