Preprofessional Opportunities

American Society for Microbiology - Undergraduate Research Fellowship


Category: Summer
Type: Research
Location: Washington, DC Washington D.C.
Deadline: Early February
Duration: 10-12 weeks
Required Grade Level: Undergraduate


You are eligible, if you meet all of the following criteria: ASM member U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or DACA eligible Enrolled as full-time matriculating undergraduate student during the academic year at an accredited U.S. institution Involved in a research project Have an ASM member at your home institution willing to serve as a mentor Not receiving other financial support for research (i.e., Council for Undergraduate Research, Minority Access to Research Careers, Sigma Xi) during the fellowship Eligible faculty mentors must: Be an ASM member Have not had a student receive the ASM-URF in the previous two fellowship years Have an appointment at the same institution as the student applicant Have an ongoing research project Preference will be given to institutions and/or faculty with limited resources and those supporting underrepresented minority groups (URM) in the microbial sciences. The program supports research in all areas of the microbial sciences.


  • Conduct funded research at your home university (community college students can conduct research at a nearby four year university)
  • Receive travel funds to present your research and attend a professional development workshop (pending acceptance of your abstract to ASM Microbe 2020)
  • Be mentored by an ASM faculty research member
  • Participate and be recognized in a prestigious fellowship program
  • Access ASM's network of career resources and professionals