Preprofessional Opportunities

American Chemical Society - Undergraduate Fellowships in Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry


Category: Summer
Type: Research
Location: San Jose California
Deadline: Early February
Duration: 6 weeks
Required Grade Level: Rising Junior


The program is designed for undergraduate chemistry or physics majors who will be entering their junior or senior year. They should have completed at least 2 years of chemistry, 1 year of physics, and 1 year of calculus. No previous experience in nuclear science is necessary. Students must be US citizens or resident aliens to be eligible.


Undergraduate Fellowships in Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry. This course will consist of both lecture and laboratory work on the fundamentals of nuclear science and applications to related fields. In addition to the formal instruction, the course will include a Guest Lecture Series and tours of nearby research centers. There also will be a special nuclear medicine symposium. Fellowships include all tuition, transportation, housing, food, textbooks, and laboratory manuals. Six academic credits may be awarded for this program.