Award Recognition
Indelible Mark
Senior Marshal
Charles M. Rolker Prize
Theodore M. Nelson [CS-PreMed] is a Churchill Scholar. His research, carried out at Yale Medical School, Columbia Irving Medical Center, and Weill Cornell Medicine, focuses on the intersection between biological and computational sciences, especially in the application of long-read sequencing technologies to long noncoding RNA biology, epitranscriptomics, and astronaut health. His work has been accepted in Nature, Nature Communications, and the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. He teaches high school students to verify long-read predicted alternative splice variants, having founded the Glass Half Full or Empty: Illuminating the Human Transcriptome outreach program, originally hosted by the Double Discovery Center. A long-time leader in Columbia Space Initiative, Systems Biology Initiative, and the Activities Board at Columbia, his teams have launched biological payloads to space, fostered close-knit and supportive interest groups, and exhibited record-breaking fiscal advocacy for student groups. Additionally, he has directed five crisis committees for CIRCE’s Model United Nations program.
Thank you to the research mentors, undergraduate student leaders, and professors, who have empowered me with their experience and wisdom. To my students, club members, and funders - thank you for investing in me. To my labmates, classmates, and friends - thank you for your companionship and kindness. Most of all, I am grateful to my family for their unwavering support.