Sponsorship Opportunities for External Organizations | Columbia College and Columbia Engineering

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Sponsorship Opportunities for External Organizations

Listed below are the approved methods of sponsorship from external organizations. All sponsorships must be aligned with the student group, Undergraduate Student Life, Columbia College, College of Engineering, and University mission. Additionally, all sponsors must follow the policies and processes in place for events as governed by all University entities. 

Sponsorships are not tax deductible for the sponsor, and are given to student groups with the understanding that all funds and goods are intended to offset the cost of student-run events, and should be communicated as such to the sponsor. Sponsorship can include direct financial support or direct purchasing goods for the event (examples include t-shirts, programs, decorations, food, etc.) The student group is responsible for securing all appropriate approvals and required documentation prior to communicating with outside individuals/organizations/corporations. Any sponsorship that includes or is related to employment/recruiting, banking, or bookstores (including book sales and book/author promotion) may need additional approval.

Banner Display                                                                                               

  • The sponsor can have their name and services promoted in a clearly visible area during the event. 
  • Banners can be displayed within the reserved room only. Banners cannot be presented outside of the reserved room, in common areas or public spaces.
  • Banners cannot be placed before the event commences or after it has completed.
  • Banners cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way. 

Neighborhood Recommendations                     

  • Many guests do not come from the Morningside Heights neighborhood and may be deciding where to eat or what to do before and after an event.  The sponsor can be included on a map of the neighborhood with a symbol indicating the exact location of their business, along with a brief description. 
  • The promotion of any business in event-related materials cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way. 


  • The sponsor can sponsor a prize to guests of an event.
  • This sponsorship can be material goods or a monetary prize. (Examples include: A prize awarded for winners of a case competition related to the event; a check awarded to an author of a journal submission chosen to be published in Columbia-affiliated publications)
  • Prizes are not tax deductible for the sponsor, and are given to the student group with the intention of awarding them to an individual in relation to the event, offsetting the overall cost of the event.
  • The recipient of the prize or award must be made aware that most prizes are reportable to the IRS. Winners/recipients will need to be set up as a vendor in Columbia’s system and provide all required personal information to do so. Recipients/winners must follow all applicable tax laws.
  • Prizes and awards cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way. 

Program Advertisements                                                                             

  • The sponsor can insert an advertisement into the program that will be distributed to guests.  (Some examples of what businesses might include are: a coupon for their restaurant or a flyer for an upcoming event.)
  • Advertisements cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way.

Program Inserts

  • The sponsor will be able to display contact information or a business card within the program booklet given to guests.
  • Inserts cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way.

Social Media Promotion

  • Student groups may promote sponsors and place sponsor logos on their group's social media pages.
  • Sponsor social media pages cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way.


  • The sponsor's logo can be placed on swag given away at the event, however the sponsor logo may not be more prominent than the Columbia logo.
  • Generally, the Columbia logo will be placed on one side of the merchandise and the sponsor logos will be smaller and placed on the other. 
  • Swag cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way. 

Vendor Stalls, Booths or Tables                                                                                               

  • The sponsor can give out informational or promotional collateral about their products and/or services to guests.
  • The sponsor cannot sell their products and/or services (retail, commercial, or otherwise), recruit or solicit guests.
  • Vendor stalls can be placed in the reserved room only. Stalls cannot be set up outside of the reserved room, in common areas or public spaces.
  • Stalls cannot be set up before the event commences or after it has completed.
  • Stalls cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way.

Verbal Recognition

  • The sponsor can be verbally recognized at the event. 

Video Screen Advertisements

  • The sponsor can have their name and services promoted on a large screen, clearly visible to the audience.
  • Large video screens are in several reservable spaces, or can be requested to be placed in the room.
  • Advertisements can be presented on screens anytime through the duration of the reserved time of the event only.
  • Advertisements cannot be presented outside of the reserved room, in common areas or public spaces.
  • Advertisements cannot be presented before the event commences or after it has completed.
  • Advertisements cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way. 

Website Promotion

  • Sponsor logos cannot be placed on official Columbia pages or official student group pages, even if they are not hosted on Columbia's domain.
  • Sponsor web pages cannot be co-branded with Columbia’s logos or identifiers. The sponsor may not use the Columbia name, logo, brand, likeness or represent a partnership with Columbia University in any way.

Student Group Finance

Sponsorship Opportunities for External Organizations

  • Banner Display  
  • Neighborhood Recommendations
  • Program Inserts
  • Prizes
  • Program Advertisements
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Swag
  • Vendor Stalls, Booths or Tables
  • Verbal Recognition
  • Video Screen Advertisements
  • Website Promotion

Undergraduate Student Life


505-515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.

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